Blogger award

|| Real Neat Blog Award Nomination ||

I’m so thankful to Lee over at Lee’s Hall of Information for nominating me for this award! If you’re unaware Lee is a author of Darke Blood I reviewed back in April, you can find that here.

So what does the Real Neat Blog Award nomination mean? Well there’s some rules which are:

  • Display the Award Logo. 
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the questions from the blog who nominated you.
  • Nominate 7-10 bloggers.
  • Ask them seven questions.

Questions from Lee:

From all the books you have read, name one you would have loved to have written and why?

Being honest, I much prefer reading than I do writing, I don’t find that words flow easily and it’s just not something that I’m interested in.

What was the subject of your very first blog post?

Who do I think I am?
It was introducing who I am and why I’d decided to start the blog.

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you had any paranormal experiences?

Honestly, no I don’t believe in them. I know that there’s no smoke without fire so there may be things that we can’t explain, but I think it’s one of those situation where I won’t believe it unless I experience it.

Do you have a go to music album or vocal artist you have always listened to?

Panic! at the Disco – A fever you can’t sweat out
This will always be my go to album, not only because I love it, but also because it holds such sentimental value. I used to listen to it every Sunday when my dad used to take us to the markets, it will forever bring my happy memories with him.

In a few sentences how would you define blogging?

Wanting to share what you are passionate about with others as well as finding a whole new community of individuals who are just as passionate as you are. Honestly, the book community is so supportive it’s made blogging so much more enjoyable and helped to build my confidence in becoming a blogger.

Have you ever had a hero you’ve looked up to?

I’ve never had just one single hero, I’ve looked up to many people over the years. Mainly those who have helped me to grow as a person e.g. my dance teacher for not letting me stop when I didn’t feel good enough and my law tutor who filled me with so much inspiration to move to a different city and study criminal justice.

Are you a believer in luck? Tell me about your luckiest moment in life?

Not really, I do believe in Karma but I think that’s about as close as I get to believing in luck.

My Nominations:

  1. Meeghan from MeeghanReads
  2. Becky from Becky’s Book Blog
  3. Nick from Read by Ray
  4. Lauren from Lala’s Book Reviews
  5. Zoe from Zooloo’s Book Diary
  6. Sheila from The Quiet Geordie
  7. Bethanie from Book Bath Brew
  8. Lorna from On The Shelf Reviews

Questions for my nominees:

  1. If you could read just one genre for the next year what would you pick?
  2. Other than books what do you enjoy?
  3. If you were a book, which would it be?
  4. Have you ever DNF’d a book? If so which one?
  5. How many physical books that you own are you still yet to read?
  6. What would your perfect career/job be?
  7. If there was one piece of advice that you could give to a new blogger, what would it be?

Thank you again Lee! I definitely recommend checking out his blog here.

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